Recommended Luxury Spa Resort/Hotels
by Premium Resorts
Leben Sie den exclusivsten Spa-Lifestyle !
Experience the most exclusive Spa and Wellness Lifestyle!
“Premium Spa Resorts” is the new group of top class establishments at international spa resorts
with hotels in Austria, Italy, Germany and Poland - all with a luxury
services to enrich your well-being, all located in the most glorious
holiday regions - further countries to be included in the near future!
Adler Balance Spa & Health Resort
Hotel Cervosa Serfaus
Hotel Cervosa Serfaus
Leben Sie den exclusivsten Spa-Lifestyle !
„premium spa resorts“ ist die exclusive, internationale Spa-Resort Hotelgruppe mit Hotels in Österreich, Deutschland, Italien, Polen
und weiteren Ländern in den schönsten europäischen Urlaubsregionen für Ihr Wohlbefinden mit dem Luxustouch.
Weitere Informationen: -
Experience the most exclusive Spa and Wellness Lifestyle!
“Premium Spa Resorts” is the exclusive group of top class establishments at international spa resorts with hotels in Austria, Italy, Germany, Poland
and further countries - all with a luxury services to enrich your well-being, all located in the most glorious holiday regions.
Further Informations: -
Leben Sie den exclusivsten Spa-Lifestyle !
Experience the most exclusive Spa and Wellness Lifestyle!
“Premium Spa Resorts” is the exclusive group of top class establishments at international spa resorts with hotels in Austria, Italy, Germany, Poland
and further countries - all with a luxury services to enrich your well-being, all located in the most glorious holiday regions.
Further Informations: -